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In February 2014, CAP Energy Plc through its wholly owned subsidiary Sencap Limited acquired a 49% stake in TAOL Djiffere Limited (a subsidiary of Trace Atlantic Oil Limited), the company holding a 90% interest in the Djiffere Offshore licence. Petrosen, the national oil company, has a 10% carry during the first exploration period.

In September 2018, Sencap acquired the remaining 51% stake in TAOL Djiffere Limited from Trace Atlantic Oil Limited; thus becoming the 100% shareholder in TAOL Djiffere Limited and the holder of a 90% interest in the Djiffere Offshore licence.
Stacks Image 195436
Location: Block Djiffere licence area covers 4,459 square kilometres in shallow waters offshore Senegal and is adjacent to the Sangomar Offshore block operated by Cairn Energy.

Operational Phase: Exploration

Activity to Date: 

• Total of 6 2D seismic surveys conducted between 1963 and 1985: - BP (1963 and 1965) - Esso (1969 and 1971) - Ocelot Senegal (1982 and 1985).

• New full fold 2D survey (3,750 km) acquired in 2014 by Dolphin Geophysical AS – processing and interpretation completed.

• 3D survey (380 km2) acquired in 2015 – processing and interpretation completed.

Next steps: Drilling of 1 exploration well.

Operator: Trace Atlantic Oil Djiffere Limited [100% owned by Sencap Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of CAP Energy]

Project Partners: Trace Atlantic Oil Djiffere Limited (90%); Petrosen (10%)
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CAP Energy PLC
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Incorporated in England & Wales
Company no. 5351398
Cap Energy is a public limited company under the Companies Act 2006.